Library Technology Guides

Documents, Databases, News, and Commentary

Bezalel Academy of Art and Design. ( Jerusalem, Israel) Display all the libraries participating in: Colleges Consortium in Israel [ALEPH 500]

College of Management Academic Studies. ( Rishon LeZion, Israel) [ALEPH 500] +

  College of Management Academic Studies. ( Rishon LeZion, Israel) [ALEPH 500] +

Efrata College. ( Jerusalem, Israel) Display all the libraries participating in: Colleges Consortium in Israel [ALEPH 500]

Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. ( Guangzhou, China) [ALEPH 500] +

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. ( Dresden, Saxony Germany) [ALEPH 500] +

Hemdat Hadarom Academic Teachers College. ( Netivot, Israel) Display all the libraries participating in: Colleges Consortium in Israel [ALEPH 500]

Herzog College. ( Israel) Display all the libraries participating in: Colleges Consortium in Israel [ALEPH 500]

Holon Academic Institute of Technology. ( Israel) Display all the libraries participating in: Colleges Consortium in Israel [ALEPH 500]

Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. ( Jerusalem, Israel) Display all the libraries participating in: Colleges Consortium in Israel [ALEPH 500]

Jordan Valley College. ( Jordan Valley, Israel) Display all the libraries participating in: Colleges Consortium in Israel [ALEPH 500]

Kibbutzim College of Education. ( Tel-Aviv, Israel) Display all the libraries participating in: Colleges Consortium in Israel [ALEPH 500]

Liège. ( Liège, Belgium, Belgium) Display all the libraries participating in: Reseau Local Liegeois de la Lecture Publique [ALEPH 500] +

Lifshitz College. ( Israel) Display all the libraries participating in: Colleges Consortium in Israel [ALEPH 500]

Moreshet Yaacov College. ( Israel) Display all the libraries participating in: Colleges Consortium in Israel [ALEPH 500]

Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute. ( Israel) Display all the libraries participating in: Colleges Consortium in Israel [ALEPH 500]

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited. ( London, United Kingdom) [ALEPH 500] +

Ohalo College. ( Israel) Display all the libraries participating in: Colleges Consortium in Israel [ALEPH 500]

Orot College for Women. ( Elkana, Israel) Display all the libraries participating in: Colleges Consortium in Israel [ALEPH 500]

ORT Braude College of Engineering. ( Karmiel, Israel) Display all the libraries participating in: Colleges Consortium in Israel [ALEPH 500]

Consortia indicates that the library participates in a consortium for its automation system.