Amherst College. ( Amherst, Massachusetts United States) [FOLIO -- EBSCO Information Services]
Amherst College. ( Amherst, Massachusetts United States)
Amherst Regional Public Schools. ( Amherst, Massachusetts United States)
Amherst Regional Public Schools. ( Pelham, Massachusetts United States)
Amherst, MA. ( Amherst, Massachusetts United States) [Evergreen -- MOBIUS]
Amherst-Pelham Regional School District. ( Amherst, Massachusetts United States)
BCP Council, UK. ( Bournemouth, England United Kingdom) [Library Management Cloud] +
Belchertown Public Schools. ( Belchertown, Massachusetts United States) [Destiny] +
Belchertown Public Schools. ( Belchertown, Massachusetts United States) [Destiny]
indicates that the library participates in a consortium for its automation system.