Antioch University. ( Seattle, Washington United States) [WorldShare Management Services]
Bakke Graduate University. ( Seattle, Washington United States)
Bertschi School. ( Seattle, Washington United States) [Alexandria] +
Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center. ( Seattle, Washington United States) [Voyager] +
City University of Seattle. ( Seattle, Washington United States) [Alma] +
Cornish College of the Arts. ( Seattle, Washington United States) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions] +
Federal Home Loan Bank Seattle. ( Seattle, Washington United States) [GLAS]
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. ( Seattle, Washington United States) [WorldShare Management Services] +
Greater Seattle Aquarium. ( Seattle, Washington United States) [OPALS]
Hamlin Robinson School. ( Seattle, Washington United States)
Highline School District. ( Seattle, Washington United States)
Highline School District. ( Seattle, Washington United States) [LibraryWorld] +