Author-generated Dublin Core Metadata for Web resources: a baseline study in an organization
Journal of Digital information
[January 2002]
Greenberg, Jane~Pattuelli, Maria Cristina~Parsia, Bijan~Robertson, W. Davenport
Abstract: This paper reports on a study that examined the ability of resource authors to create acceptable metadata in an organizational setting. The results indicate that authors can create good quality metadata when working with the Dublin Core, and in some cases they may be able to create metadata that is of better quality than a metadata professional can produce. This research suggests that authors think metadata is valuable for resource discovery, that it should be created for Web resources, and that they, as authors, should be involved in metadata production for their works. The study also indicates that a simple Web form, with textual guidance and selective use of features (e.g. pop-up windows, drop-down menus, etc.) can assist authors in generating good quality metadata.