Library Technology Guides

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Creating resources for decisions: a behind-the-scenes look at Library Technology Guides


Abstract: Learn about the process of building a database-driven Web site with dynamic content and explore a set of resources focused on library automation. This workshop features the Library Technology Guides Web site, from both content and technology perspectives. The developer of Library Technology Guides will be the instructor of this workshop that aims to provide participants insight to the process of developing a database-driven Web environment. Breeding will discuss both the technology that goes on behind the scenes and the process of acquiring and integrating content. In addition to describing the technology involved, Breeding discusses the evolution of the site, how the various databases have changed over time, and how they are maintained.

View Citation
Publication Year:2001
Type of Material:Presentation
Language English
Issue:May 15, 2001
Publisher:Information Today
Place of Publication:New York, NY
Notes:4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Conference:e-Libraries 2001
Subject: Web-enabled databases
Record Number:9106
Last Update:2024-12-14 03:07:33
Date Created:0000-00-00 00:00:00