epixtech, Inc., the world's leading library automation vendor, has assisted another Scottish Public Library in attaining the goal of an automated library service. epixtech has been instrumental in bringing the first branch of Inverclyde Council's Library Service online via its highly respected and functionally rich Dynix library system. The branch has been launched as part of an overall plan to provide across-the-board automation when Inverclyde completes an extensive retrospective conversion.
The Clyde Valley has been witness to some famous launches in its time, steeped as it is in shipbuilding tradition. Recently, however, an eagerly anticipated launch of a different kind took place. Inverclyde Council launched their Library Services' first computerized Branch on November 7th 2000, using epixtech's Dynix as the basis for an ongoing program of automation. Over 5000 Inverclyde residents had already taken the opportunity to register on the new system at the launch date, each issued with an individually barcoded library card, allowing library staff to issue, return and renew residents' books and review their borrowing at any time. In addition, the new Dynix Library System brings with it a full catalog of the Library's stock, allowing residents online public access to the region's collections. The new system will also monitor all library stock, allowing more efficient acquisitions control, distribution, circulation and withdrawal of items.
Staff were on hand at the official launch to demonstrate to guests and the public how the new system will work. Carreen McGilvray, Library Service Manager said, "We are delighted with the public's response to date, but we want more users to register so they can benefit from the improved range of services we can now offer." Maria Russell, Director of Information Services, Inverclyde Council added, "The commitment and enthusiasm shown by library and information technology staff to this project has been incredible. It was particularly important that the system was introduced as efficiently and trouble-free as possible to ensure public confidence. This new library management system is the first step in a whole new investment program within our libraries. In the very near future, information and learning resources will be accessed from remote sites all over Inverclyde, allowing libraries to truly operate as information hubs for the community."
At the Launch , Robert Craig, Director of the Scottish Library Information Council (SLIC) and the Scottish Library Association (and recent BAFTA nominee) unveiled the new system to invited guests including local school children and regular library users. Robert told the audience, "Libraries are at the heart of our communities and as such are extremely well placed to deliver the benefits of lifelong learning. I am therefore delighted that Inverclyde Council has made this investment in a new library management system which will not only enhance and improve the library service today but will help deliver the kind of library service we all want for the future."
Inverclyde Council
Inverclyde Council was formed in 1996 as a result of the restructuring of Scottish Local Government. Inverclyde covers an area of approximately 61 square Miles and is an area of outstanding natural beauty, situated along the broad reaches of the River Clyde with spectacular views to the Highlands. Home to around 87,000 people, the area has a proud maritime tradition that once sent Clyde-built ships to all corners of the world.
epixtech is the leading provider of automation technologies, solutions and services for more than 7,600 libraries worldwide. epixtech's award-winning library automation systems, ConnectLib solutions for patron self-services, desktop management and interlibrary loans and its new Web-based solutions and services empower libraries and their users. epixtech's library automation solutions meet the needs of public, academic, research, and corporate libraries. Headquartered in Utah. epixtech's UK Office is based in Chesham Buckinghamshire.