Automating media centers and small libraries: a microcomputer-based approach
Meghabghab, Dania Bilal
Abstract: From the publisher''s website: With a practical, systematic approach, this guide covers the entire spectrum of activities involved in automating media centers and small libraries. Simple explanations of the principles of automation are combined with field-tested activities that give readers the opportunity for field experience. Comparing various library functions within the automated and unautomated environments, the author describes system selection and implementation in detail, identifies the problems that end-users encounter in accessing OPACs, offers innovative solutions to problems to be solved in future OPACs, and recommends activities for hands-on experience. Guidelines for needs assessments and functions analysis, preparation of a Request for Proposal (RFP), barcoding, site preparation, and database maintenance are included. The book also covers the role of the media specialist, different computer systems and their features, LAN topologies and architectures, various components of a USMARC/Microlif Protocol record, OPACs in cyberspace, the role of the Z39.50 standard, and more. Intended as a text for graduate students in automation classes and for educators who teach library automation, this book will also serve as a guide for practitioners involved in automation projects.