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DartClix: professionally selected and catalogued web sites to load directly into your library's PAC

Press Release: Brodart, Inc. [November 25, 2000]

Beginning January, 2001, Brodart Automation is pleased to offer libraries professionally selected and catalogued web sites—500 new sites each month. These records are suitible for all types of libraries from individual schools or public libraries, to school districts, and public library consortia. Each fully catalogued record represents a reliable web site, and contains the URL S which can be hyperlinked for direct access to that site.

DartClix records will include: A 520 field (annotation), A 521 field citing an age-appropriate designation, Library of Congress subject headings, the URL (contained in an 856 field), and a Dewey call number for easy call number browsing. DartClix's comprehensive database will contain records cited in professional bibliographies of recommended sites or sites recommended by our subscribing libraries.

Call Brodart Automation 800 233-8467, ext. 6642 for more information; and remember—“Dart” = Brodart; “Clix” = clicks of the mouse

View Citation
Publication Year:2000
Type of Material:Press Release
Language English
Issue:November 25, 2000
Publisher:Brodart, Inc.
Place of Publication:McHenry, IL
Company: Brodart, Inc.
Subject: Product announcements
Online access:
Record Number:8549
Last Update:2024-12-28 02:42:15
Date Created:0000-00-00 00:00:00