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Checkpoint Systems beats competition to win multiple library contracts: company's technology displaces 3M in several libraries

Press Release: Checkpoint Systems, Inc. [July 10, 2000]

Checkpoint Systems, Inc., (NYSE: CKP), the leading provider of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to libraries, has capitalized on its more than 30 years of technology development to capture the leading position in library RFID technology. In the past several months, the Company has received contracts for its Intelligent Library System (ILS) from more than 20 libraries, some of whom were using 3M's electromagnetic EAS systems.

The Intelligent Library System greatly speeds up the check-out process by providing a swift, one-step motion for issuing books, simultaneously updating the information into the library's circulation system. ILS also allows for individual check-in and check-out, built-in security, circulation management, and highly efficient inventory, all integrated into one system. Checkpoint is the leading provider of radio frequency identification (RFID) to libraries and has installed 17 systems and tagged over one million books to date. Checkpoint's more recent wins include:

Cerritos, California - When it's completed later this month, Cerritos Millennium Library will become the most state-of-the-art library in the country. The structure is distinguished as the first titanium building in the United States, and its 300,000 volumes will be placed amid a stone-paved "Main Street" city setting, complete with a 15,000-gallon salt-water aquarium. The futuristic complex will be complete with thematic learning centers for children and adults, museum exhibits, and facilities for conferences.

Windsor, Ontario -- The first library to install Checkpoint's Intelligent Library System in Canada, the Windsor Public Library is a seven-branch system dedicated to providing "universal access to the world of ideas." The library is currently installing the ILS into three of its branches and plans to expand to three more branches in 2001.

Canton, Michigan - The Canton Public Library, located in the Detroit suburb of Canton, chose to relinquish its current system in favor of Checkpoint's ILS amid a large-scale expansion. Impressed by the speed with which the ILS allows librarians and patrons to check-in and check-out books, Canton Public Library administrators chose Checkpoint's cutting-edge, RFID technology to relieve the congestion they have been experiencing as their patronage grows.

Santa Clara, California - Located in California's Silicon Valley, the city of Santa Clara is currently building an 80,000 square foot library. In a region known for its technology leadership, Santa Clara felt particularly bound to remain at the forefront of library technology and as a result chose to install Checkpoint's ILS.

University of Pennsylvania - The University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg Library is one of 15 libraries at the University and is among the oldest academic research libraries in the country. Intent on making Annenberg a model library of the future, University librarians selected Checkpoint's RFID system as it allowed them to make operational improvements such as 24-hour self check-in and check-out while simultaneously heightening security with a single, safe technology.

Rockefeller University -- In 1998, Rockefeller University became the first library in the world to install an RFID system. Since that time, the Intelligent Library System has delivered on all its promises according to University librarian Pat Mackey who attests that the system's technology has been exceedingly reliable.

Checkpoint Systems, Inc., a $750 million multinational company, is a pioneer in the development of RFID technology for libraries and other industries, and is the world's leading provider of digital radio frequency electronic article surveillance (RF EAS) systems. The company also markets laser and thermal printers and CCTV systems designed to improve efficiency, reduce costs and provide value-added solutions for customers across many markets and industries. Checkpoint Systems, Inc.'s web site is located at For more information on RFID libraries, contact

View Citation
Publication Year:2000
Type of Material:Press Release
Language English
Issue:July 10, 2000
Publisher:Checkpoint Systems, Inc.
Place of Publication:Thorofare, NJ
Company: Checkpoint Systems, Inc.
Products: Intelligent Library System
Libraries: Cerritos Millennium Library
University of Pennsylvania
Canton Public Library
Windsor Public Library
Rockefeller University
Subject: RFID technology
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Record Number:7771
Last Update:2025-01-05 10:55:13
Date Created:0000-00-00 00:00:00