CLSI, Inc., demonstrated a new system, the LIBS 100plus, at the midwinter conference of the American Library Association. The LIBS 100plus—a renaming of Release 29—continues CLSI's implementation of the Unix operating system and support for open systems architecture. Automatic pop-up message windows and menu bars guide the user through the system's logical sequence of procedures and facilitate transfers among processes.
The screen-formatting capabilities of the user interface, produce screens with the user-friendly options of PCs. The screens are designed to minimize training needs. The system can be used in both menu and command modes.
The LIBS 100plus uses the Ingress relational data base management system (RDBMS), an integral part of the product's open system architecture. The RDBMS supports automatic data base journalling to protect the integrity of the data base, the most valuable portion of a library's automation investment. The system's fuiifeatured data base design and infrastructure support comprehensive and flexible report generation capabilities with automatic compilation and forms for selecting each report's components.
[Contact: CLSI, Inc., 320 Nevada Street, Newtonvjlle, MA 02165; (617) 965-6310; Fax (617) 969-1928.]