OCLC has been working with nine public and academic libraries to develop an easy-to-use integrated gateway to library resources so that libraries will have a single, locally-customized Web-based user interface for OCLC and non-OCLC resources, including FirstSearch, non-OCLC Z39.50 databases, and the local patron access catalog. The product will be launched in the second quarter of 2000.
A library will be able to select resources to be accessed, choose the interface look and feel, and build the links between local and remote resources using wizards. A connection to the OCLC WebExpress Service Center will make WebExpress- an evolving service, rather than a fixed software product.
[Contact: OCLC, (800) 848-5878;
Publication Year: 1999 Type of Material: Article Language
Published in:
Library Systems Newsletter
Publication Info: Volume 19
Number 12 Issue: December 1999 Page(s): 95 Publisher: American Library Association Place of Publication: Chicago, IL Notes: Howard S. White, Editor-in-Chief; Richard W. Boss, Contributing Editor Company:
ISSN: 0277-0288 Record Number: 6568 Last Update: 2025-01-02 22:27:24 Date Created: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Views: 159