An evaluation team representing all types of SUNY (State University of New York) institutions and library functions has recommended that Ex Libris supply the next automated libra-ry system for the 64 campuses of the statewide system. The recommendation was based on four criteria: cost, vendor viability, functionality, and overall system. In the final analysis, Ex Libris' ALEPH 500 system received the highest scores across all four categor-ies by 2,000 points. The team was particularly impressed with the system's flexibility in supporting a consortium with autonomous institutions with different policies and procedures.
Assuming a successful conclusion to negotiations, contract signing will probably occur in early 2000.
Only a few days later Ex Libris announced an award by another major U.S. academic library, Boston College-a library with 1.8 million volumes. The system, which is scheduled to go live in the summer of 2000, will support 460 concurrent users.
[Contact: Ex Libris (USA) Inc., 1653 N. Wells Street, Chicago, IL 60614; (312) 397-1590; fax (312) 397-0837;]