The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), a federally chartered and funded granting agency, has issued guidelines for FY 1999 National Leadership Grants. Each year, the IMLS makes 40 or more grants ranging in size from $15,000 to $500,000.
Projects approved during the next cycle will be for projects begun after September 30, 1999 and ending within 24 months. There are usually at least 250 applicants in each cycle.
The IMLS' priorities are education and training, research and demonstration, preservation or digitization, and model programs of cooperation. All types of libraries, except federal and for-profit, may apply. Libraries may apply individually or in partnership. All disciplines of museums may also apply, as may institutions of higher education.
Grants may not be used for construction, acquisition of collections, contributions to endowments, or pre-grant costs. Cost sharing is expected, with a 50 percent local contribution recommended.
More information is available on the IMLS' Web site at or by contacting the Institute by mail or telephone.
[Contact: Institute of Museum and Library Services, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20506; telephone 202-606-5227]