Ariel, the document delivery software developed by RLG, is now in use at more than 1,000 libraries worldwide. The software links scanners, computers, and laser printers to allow compressed transmission of articles. The resulting images are of higher quality than those transmitted by fax, and the cost is lower. However, it has been necessary to have computers with the Ariel software at each end; therefore, the benefits of receiving the transmissions has been limited to mid-size and large academic libraries, and a few special and public libraries. A MIME-compliant version will be released in early 1997, which will eliminate the need to have Ariel software at the receiving end of the transmission. Libraries which borrow more than they lend, therefore, can realize the benefits without purchasing the Ariel software; instead they need merely download an inexpensive MIME plug in from any one of a number of sources.
[Contact: Research Libraries Group (RLG) Inc., 1200 Villa Street, Mountain View, CA 94041; 415-691-2267; or FAX. 415-964- 0943.]