Ameritech Library Services unveiled its 1996 satellite technology seminars, called Connections, with a free broadcast at ALA Midwinter in San Antonio on January 22, 1996. Beginning in March, library professionals can tune in each month to learn more about technology issues in the library industry. Offered to all public, school, and academic libraries, the monthly broadcasts will feature networking basics such as LANs and WANs, Internet access and network management topics, and creative fundraising ideas.
The technology programs are designed to be interactive. Each program will present a topic and then provide for live audience participation (via phone, fax, or Internet). The presentation also may include interviews with library professionals who have successfully implemented new technology and panel discussions.
The Ameritech Library Network subscription price for the series of 10 programs is $1,199 per downlink site. Libraries without satellite access can receive the programs on videotape.
[Contact: Ameritech Library Services, (800) 773-9649.]