Ameritech Library Services has signed a distributor agreement with Kommunedata Denmark to broaden the market for Horizon. In the agreement, Kommunedata, headquartered in Copenhagen, gains exclusive rights to introduce, market, and distribute Horizon throughout Denmark, the Faeroe Islands, and Greenland. The agreement also includes an option for Kommunedata to acquire the rights to distribute Horizon in Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland.
Kommunedata is the leading supplier of information technology solutions for libraries in Denmark with a market share of 26 percent, the largest in that country. Kommunedata specializes in developing and integrating computer products and services and marketing them to public agencies in Denmark. The company was founded in 1972 by the Association of County Councils and the National Association of Local Authorities in Denmark.
[Contact: Ameritech Library Services, 400 Dynix Drive, Provo, UT 84604; (801) 223-5200 or (800) 288-8020; fax (801) 223-5202.]