Data Trek, Inc., has announced the impending release of Professional Series Version 2.1, a major upgrade to its full-MARC library automation product. Planned for release in the fourth quarter of 1994, 2.1 will be provided to Professional Series clients with active Software Support Subscriptions.
Professional Series, first released in 1991, is a microcomputer-based automation software package which adheres to full-MARC standards (importing, storing, and retaining full-MARC records) , as will as X12, SISAC, and BISAC standards.
Over 150 enhancements have been added to the Professional Series Version 2.1, many of them based on suggestions from Data Trek clients. Enhancements have been made to the cataloging, circulation, serials, acquisitions, OPAC (Online Patron Access Catalog), and GoPAC (Graphical OPAC) modules. Major new global features include library-specified system management of call number spacing, European or other data format options, additional user authorization levels, multi-copy picklists for multiple items connected to the bibliographic records, automatic deletion approval control in the bibliographic file, laser printing of all cataloging labels, and improved label printing capability.
[Contact: Data Trek, Inc., 5838 Edison Place, Carlsbad, CA 92008-6596; (619) 431-8400 or (800) 876-5484; FAX (619) 431-8448.]