The eighth edition of The Serials Directory on CD-ROM is now available from EBSCO Publishing. New to the edition is an indication of whether a journal is fully or selectively covered by a particular index or abstract service. The Directory provides bibliographic coverage and current pricing information for more than 200,000 serials published worldwide. It also provides MARC-format records from the Library of Congress and ISSN Register (formerly ISDS/International Serial Data System) databases; Copyright Clearance Center information; notations for titles that began publishing in the last three years; and an expanded cross-reference and subject breakdown.
The Directory offers more than 50 elements of information including library of Congress Classification numbers, Dewey Decimal, Universal Decimal, National Library of Medicine, CODEN designators, and MARC control numbers. It also provides: the former title/new title; price, publisher name, address, and telephone/fax numbers; editor's name; language of publication; frequency; circulation control data; and an indication as to whether the publication is peer reviewed, accepts book reviews, or accepts advertising. Cumulative updates containing new titles, ceased or suspended titles, price updates, frequency, publisher name and address, format availability, alphabetical title index, and ISSN index are provided throughout the year. The cost is $525 with quarterly updates.
[Contact: EBSCO Publishing, P.O. Box 2250, Peabody, MA 01960; (508) 535-8500 or (800) 653-2726; Fax (508) 535-8545.]