Data Trek has announced the release of Audio/Visual Handler (A/V Handler) version 4.0, a fully menu-driven system that ties together six major media center functions in a single software package. Version 4.0 provides booking control, media cataloging, rented media control, vendor control, inventory control, and facilities (room) control. In addition, A/V Handler produces many reports, from vendor utilization to user activity.
With version 4.0 users can manage an unlimited number of equipment and media items for a single booking. An enhanced bookings worksheet displays all scheduled items and the total associated cost on one screen, providing immediate verification. A/V Handler alerts the user to booking conflicts and automatically defaults to the next available media/equipment item. Circulation of all media items is automated with full barcode compatibility. A/V Handler's checkin and checkout can be independent of bookings, allowing the user to circulate items without booking them first. It also provides the ability to check in items individually from a single booking. Each piece of equipment and media item is treated separately, allowing the user to modify booking records until all pieces are returned. A/V Handler's reporting capabilities include activity and usage reports for patrons, facilities, equipment, and media items.
A/V Handler may be used in a "standalone" mode or in a network configuration. It can also be integrated with Data Trek's Manager Series Circulation and Acquisitions modules to provide a complete media management solution. A/V Handler is priced at $2,450. A free sample diskette demonstrating A/V Handler's functions is available for IBM and IBM-compatible computers.
[Contact: Data Trek, Inc., 5838 Edison Place, Carlsbad, CA 92008-6596; (619) 431-8400 or (800) 876-5484; Fax (619) 431-8448.]