Now that Carlyle has completed the basic modules of its Voyager library system product, it is expanding its marketing effort. In addition to exhibits at several conferences this Spring and Summer, including the SLA, AALL, and ALA Annual Meetings, it has also stepped up advertising. The company's staff has been increased to 36.
Voyager includes acquisitions, serials control, cataloging, circulation, and OPAC modules. There is a gateway for data base access. The modules are available on a standalone basis or as an integrated system.
The operating system is UNIX, the data base management system is Ingres RDBMS, and the applications software is written in "C." The communications protocols supported are RS-232 Ethernet, and TCP/IP. The user interface is the Open Look graphical interface.
Among the standards supported are Z39.2 (information interchange), MARC bibliographic and holdings records, Z39.58 (Common Command Language), Z39.49 (Computerized book ordering) , and several other BISCA and SISAC standards.
Voyager is available as software only or as a turnkey system. Carlyle normally bids Sun Microsystems Hardware. In the future it intends to offer additional UNIX platforms. Recent Voyager installations include the Los Angeles County Library and Loma Linda University Library.
[Contact: Carlyle Systems, Inc., 2000 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo, CA 94403; (415) 345-2500.]