Auto-Graphics, Inc., has announced its acquisition of the LIBerator Library Management System from LIBerator Information Systems & Services, Inc., of Denver, Colorado. The product, now to be called the IMPACT Small Library Management System (IMPACT/SLiMS), is a microcomputer based system for integrating a library's catalog maintenance, circulation and patron access catalog functions through a single data base. The operating system is MS-DOS and the programming language is "C." The system takes in, stores, and outputs bibliographic records in the MARC format.
IMPACT/SLiMS, which augments Auto-Graphics' IMPACT CD-ROM public access catalog system, is a standalone system specifically designed for school, small public, or special libraries. The software will operate on local area networks (LANs).
IMPACT/SLiMS will serve not only as a fully functional, standalone system, but also as an adjunct product for users of IMPACT CD-ROM union catalogs. Plans are underway for a direct link between the IMPACT CD-ROM catalog and the SLiMS circulation system, and for further enhancement of the software. Support for IMPACT/SLiMS users will be provided by an Auto-Graphics office in Denver.
[Contact: Auto-Graphics, Inc., 3201 Temple Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768; (714) 595-7204 or (800) 776-6939.]