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CLSI undertakes further reorganization

Library Systems Newsletter [January 1990]

CLSI, Inc., has announced a company restructuring designed to expand and improve service it provides its customers, including:

  • Realignment of existing staff to expand the customer services department with experienced CLSI employees.
  • Expanding its existing account management group to coordinate all internal activities and services for new installations and upgrades of the LIBS 100 system.
  • Assigning a dedicated group exclusively for the maintenance and support of CLSI's current product line, the LIBS 100 system. The group will have its own analysts and programmers so that product development no longer will compete with support for existing products.
  • Introducing in January a new series of customer services, including regionalized Unix training program for its second generation hardware platform, in-house conversion services and recently announced SAGE (Support Advisory Group Exchange) program, to provide expanded and improved support.

Susan Stearns will be in charge of all aspects of customer services and account management. President Jim Barrentine will, oversee future product development (Release 29 and later).

[Contact: CLSI, Inc., 320 Nevada Street, Newtonville, MA 02160; (617) 965-6310.]

View Citation
Publication Year:1990
Type of Material:Article
Language English
Published in: Library Systems Newsletter
Publication Info:Volume 10 Number 01
Issue:January 1990
Publisher:American Library Association
Place of Publication:Chicago, IL
Notes:Howard S. White, Editor-in-Chief; Richard W. Boss and Judy McQueen Contributing Editors
Company: CLSI
Products: LIBS 100
Record Number:4691
Last Update:2024-12-30 08:42:56
Date Created:0000-00-00 00:00:00