CARL Uncover users which have included not only the libraries of the CARL Consortium, but also MARMOT, Arizona State University, Pikes Peak Library District and CCLind/Colorado Community Colleges, now include libraries on both coasts.
Two campuses of the Cal State System, San Jose and Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, have connected to UnCover using Cal State's existing X.25 network which connects faculty, staff and students at all 19 campuses. As a part of the project, CARL will custom tailor opening screens and menus for San Jose and Cal Poly.
At Cal Poly, UnCover's individual title and article records will be customized to include summary holdings statements and call numbers. Records appearing in the UnCover data base that are not available at Cal Poly will include a message referring the user to the Interlibrary Loan Department. At San Jose holdings information will be available later this calendar year, following completion of a sizeable retrospective conversion of serials information.
On the East Coast, the UnCover service will be provided to faculty and other users at Boston College through an existing Northern Telecom data switch which will allow both dial and dedicated terminal access. In addition to tailoring opening screens and menus for users, CARL and Boston College have agreed to provide a series of data bases for access, including a Boston College Journals List with associated article access, the complete UnCover data base, and the Union List of the Boston Library Consortium. Holdings information for Boston College will be loaded from machine readable Union List records.
CARL's UnCover service, with customized journal contents offered online through library or other organizational networks, now includes access to more than 7,000 journal titles and over 370,000 articles taken from the table of contents of individual journal issues. Available within 24 hours of issue receipt, CARL's search software allows retrieval of "recreated" online tables of contents, or searching by author names or by keywords within titles or abstracts of individual articles.
[Contact: CARL, 777 Grant, #304, Denver, Co 60203; (303) 861-5319; fax (303) 830-0103.]