The Association of Research Libraries' Office of Management Studies has released the results of a detailed inventory of operational and planned library automation in 92 ARL member libraries. The publication, The Automation Inventory of Research Libraries, 1985, contains charts of each library's use of automated systems for acquisitions, serials check-in/claiming, serials union listing, utility cataloging, local cataloging, circulation, reserve room, COM catalog, online catalog, data base searching, bibliographic instruction, collection development, interlibrary loan, telefacsimile, public computer workstations, administrative systems, and data base conversion methodology. The data presented in the charts has been manipulated to produce additional listings by function.
The data is maintained in machine- readable form and OMB will undertake custom searches of the file on demand. The minimum charge for a search is $15 for ARt members, and $30 for non-members. The hard copy inventory is priced at $20 for members and $40 for non-members. It is available from:
Office of Management Studies
Association of Research Libraries
1527 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 232-8656