At present, three of the vendors of turnkey integrated library automation systems offer versions of their systems configured around microcomputers. These companies-CLSI, CTI, and DataPhase-are about to be joined by a fourth, Avatar.
Avatar, a turnkey vendor dedicated to supporting the Integrated Library System (ILS) developed by NLM's Lister Hill Laboratory for Biomedical Communications, has completed a microbased version of its system to run on a PDP 11/23, which can support three to five terminals and a database of 20,000 full-MARC bibliographic records with indices and authority files for a minimum cost of $60,000.
ILS provides support for acquisitions, serials check-in, circulation control, patron access catalog, and management information functions. While all functions are present in the software- which is not the case with the other turnkey vendors-some of the functions are not yet fully developed. The least fully developed function is serials control. Avatar predicts that this will be completed by early 1984.
[Contact: Avatar Systems, Inc., 11325 Seven Locks Rd., Suite 205, Potomac, MD 20854; (301) 983-8900.]