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Accessing remote library systems requires planning

Library Systems Newsletter [July 1983]

Libraries and their patrons are showing increasing interest in providing dial-up access to the automated library systems of individual libraries and library consortia. While virtually any ASCII-compatible terminal or a micro with a modem and an ASCII emulation package can be used to access a data base on a minicomputer-based library system, there are several prerequisites for such remote searching of the system:

  1. Dial-up ports that are available
    Dial-up capability is dependent on the system having one or more ports or channels set aside for this type of access.
  2. Baud rate levelj
    Most library systems now operate at a communication rate of 1,200 baud. The terminal used to access the system must be set to operate at this rate.
  3. Accessibility by system owner(s)
    Dialing up into a system impacts on both the system load and, if the result of access is an interlibrary loan request, staff time. Therefore, not all system owners will necessarily welcome heavy dial-up usage. Permission should be sought before access is attempted.
  4. Sign-on-off procedures. Every system has its own unique procedures for signing on (connecting) and signing off (disconnecting). These should be determined before seeking to dial up into a system.
  5. Searching and messaging strategies
    Searching and messaging procedures also differ from system to system. A terminal operator's manual or documentation specially prepared for the dial access user should be studied before any attempt to dial up into a system.

Readers seeking further information on the use of microcomputers in accessing remote systems are referred to LSN Vol. III, No. 3, and LSN Vol. II, No. 5.

View Citation
Publication Year:1983
Type of Material:Article
Language English
Published in: Library Systems Newsletter
Publication Info:Volume 3 Number 07
Issue:July 1983
Publisher:American Library Association
Place of Publication:Chicago, IL
Notes:Howard S. White, Editor-in-Chief; Richard W. Boss and Judy McQueen, Contributing Editors
Subject: Online catalogs -- remote access
Record Number:3982
Last Update:2024-08-29 20:14:28
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