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CTI changes hands

Library Systems Newsletter [January 1983]

Image for CTI changes hands

Well known as a vendor of turnkey library automated systems, CTI (Computer Technology Inc.), formerly known as Computer Translations, Inc., of Orem, Utah, was recently purchased by the Government Systems Group, Inc. (GSG).

GSG, incorporated in California in 1980, develops and installs turnkey automated systems in public sector agencies. It is a major Prime Computer dealer- having obtained, in the past, over 85% of its revenue from hardware sales-and has had extensive experience in developing software for that equipment line. GSG's clients include the State of New York Department of Labor and the State of California Employment Development Department, installations with networks reaching into counties and cities state-wide. GSG has some experience of the library automation market, listing the Pomona Public Library as a client in a joint venture with CTI.

CTI, which has projected 1982 sales of approximately $5 million, will retain its office in Orem but will move its headquarters to California. It is expected to continue operating under the name CTI or Computer Technology Inc. Paul Sybrowsky, previously Marketing Manager at CTI will now be president of the company. Observers conclude that the change in ownership will provide CTI with additional capital and strong technical support.

[Contact: Computer Technology Inc., 1455 State Street, Orem, Utah 84057. (801) 224-1390.]

View Citation
Publication Year:1983
Type of Material:Article
Language English
Published in: Library Systems Newsletter
Publication Info:Volume 3 Number 01
Issue:January 1983
Publisher:American Library Association
Place of Publication:Chicago, IL
Notes:Howard S. White, Editor-in-Chief; Richard W. Boss and Judy McQueen, Contributing Editors
Company: Computer Technology Inc.
CTI Library Systems Inc.
Government Systems Group, Inc.
Record Number:3905
Last Update:2025-02-04 17:22:45
Date Created:0000-00-00 00:00:00