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ALA conference exhibits overview

Library Systems Newsletter [August 1982]

The following exhibitors were among the more than two dozen library technology vendors that had booths at the Annual Meeting of the American Library Association in Philadelphia with many more also demonstrating their wares in hotel suites. Several new products and services were offered for the first time.

Autographics displayed Agile II, its online shared cataloging system-a commercial alternative to OCLC and the other bibliographic utilities. While the data base is smaller than those of the utilities, high hit rates and lower costs are claimed for public libraries. [Contact: Autographics Inc., 751 Monterey Pass Rd., Monterey Park, CA 91754. Telephone 213-269-9451.]

Avatar promoted its successful rewrite of ILS (the Integrated Library System developed by the Lister Hill Laboratory for Biomedical Communications of the National Library of Medicine) to support a multi-branch library system.

[Contact: Avatar Systems Inc., 11325 Seven Locks Road, #205, Potomac, MD 20854. Telephone 301-983-8900.]

Baker and Taylor's LIBRIS Il-an improved version of its online acquisitions system received considerable attention from representatives of larger libraries. The typical user will pay $800 or more per month.

[Contact: Baker and Taylor, 50 Kirby Ave., Somerville, NJ 08876. Telephone 201-722- 8000.]

CL Systems representatives told of their multi-processor configured system- now installed in seven libraries-and the successful incorporation of the DEC PDP 11/44 computer into the CLSI hardware line. The first CLSI PDP 11/44 is currently operating as part of a multi-processor system at the Baltimore County Public Library.

[Contact: CL Systems Inc., 81 Norwood Ave., Newtonville, MA 02160. Telephone 617-965-6310.]

Colorado Computer Systems announced that they are planning to develop a circulation component for COMPUTER CAT, the Apple-based online catalog for small libraries. Suggestions for file content, screen displays, and reports are being sought.

[Contact: Colorado Computer Systems Inc., 7100 N. Broadway, lit, Denver, CO 80221. Telephone 303-427-1639.]

DataPhase Systems introduced LINC (Library Information Network Center), a microprocessor-based system designed to function as a terminal in its automated library information system (ALIS); to back-up the ALIS system; and to serve as a remote data base searching terminal, word processor, and/or community information system.

[Contact: DataPhase Systems Inc., 3770 Broadway, Kansas City, MO 64111. Telephone 816-931-7927.]

Data Research Associates of St. Louis presented a generalized version of the system they developed for the Cleveland Public Library. The system, designated as ATLAS, has circulation, acquisition, patron access catalog, and service to the blind modules operating on standard DEC hardware. [Contact: Data Research Associates, Inc., 4225 Lacleade Ave., St. Louis, MO 63108. Telephone 800-325-0888.]

Faxon representatives described the serials routing module of their LINX serials management system. It is scheduled to become available in late 1982. Faxon also announced a new pricing structure for current and new users of LINX SC-lO, effective July 1, 1982. A major component of the new schedule relates to telecommunications charges, which previously cost $250 to $500 per month depending on the user's location. This variable charge has now been replaced by a flat monthly fee of $100.

[Contact: F. W. Faxon Co., Inc., 15 Southwest Park, Westwood, MA 02090. Telephone 617-329-3350.]

Gaylord created a separate display area for a wide range of microcomputer software and supplies. A catalog of micro hardware, software, and supplies is available on request. [Contact: Gaylord Bros., Inc., Box 4901, Syracuse, NY 13221. Telephone 800-448- 6160.]

UTLAS demonstrated its recently released online order entry and purchase order creation subsystem-Accord. It is currently negotiating online order transmission with a number of vendors. To support the electronic ordering system UTLAS and Innovative Interfaces announced that UTLAS will be marketing INNOVACQ 100, the library acquisitions system developed by Innovative Interfaces, in Canada. The system is based on a multi-processor micro with Winchester disk drives and can accommodate up to 10 terminals and 200,000 records. The Innovative Interfaces system provides libraries with acquisition and accounting capabilities which complement Accord.

[Contact: Innovative Interfaces Inc., 2131 University Ave., #334, Berkeley, CA 94704. Telephone 415-540-0880; or UTLAS, 80 Bloor Street West, 2nd Floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 2Vl. Telephone 416-923-0890.]

OCLC demonstrated the Total Library System with its integrated circulation, patron access catalog and acquisitions functions. The system runs on Hewlett-Packard minis and is capable of tyingin to complementary OCLC online modules such as cataloging and interlibrary loan. [Contact: OCLC, 6565 Frantz Road, Dublin, OH 43017-0702. Telephone 614-764-6000.]

View Citation
Publication Year:1982
Type of Material:Article
Language English
Published in: Library Systems Newsletter
Publication Info:Volume 2 Number 08
Issue:August 1982
Publisher:American Library Association
Place of Publication:Chicago, IL
Notes:Howard S. White, Editor-in-Chief; Richard W. Boss, Contributing Editor
Company: Auto-Graphics, Inc.
Avatar Systems, Inc.
Baker and Taylor
Colorado Computer Systems, Inc.
DataPhase Systems, Inc.
Data Research Associates, Inc.
Gaylord Information Systems
UTLAS Corporation
OCLC Local Systems
GIS Information Systems
Products: LIBRIS Il
LIBS 100
Total Library System
Subject: Library automation systems -- directories
Record Number:3841
Last Update:2025-01-13 14:42:49
Date Created:0000-00-00 00:00:00