Bibliographic Retrieval Services (BRS) has announced extended hours for access to its data bases: 6:00 AM to Midnight Eastern Daylight Time. Lower telecommunications rates will also be available to most users through a new value added network (VAN) known as UNINET. The UNINET rate will be $6 per hour as compared with TELENET/TYMNET charges of $7-9 per hour.
Beginning June 1, 1982 access to the BRS system became available on a non-subscription basis. Users who do not wish to commit to a minimum annual level of usage may access the system for a basic connect rate of $35 per hour plus data base royalties and telecommunications costs. There is an initial fee of $50, which is applicable to any searching done in the first three months.
Among the data bases available through BRS are Agricola, American Men and Women of Science, BIOSIS, Dissertation Abstracts, Management Contents, NTIS, PAtS, Social Science Citation Index, and USBE Most-available Titles. [Contact: BRS, 1200 Route 7, Latham, NY 12110. (518) 783-1161.]