The Appleton, Wisconsin, Public Library has become the first library to order CLSI's new microprocessor- based System 23. The System 23 employs a Digital Equipment Corporation LSI 11/23 microcomputer and CLSI's complete software package. The micro configured system is less than half the price of a minicomputer-based system. A typical System 23 costs under $90,000. Appleton will automate both its circulation control activities and its public catalog.
Installation of Appleton's System 23 was planned for June 1982 with a temporary installation of a 11/34 computer. The library will initially connect seven terminals, including a CLSI touch terminal which will be used by patrons to access the online catalog.
The bibliographic data base will be developed using Innovative Interface, Inc.'s interface unit to provide an on-line interface to Appleton's OCLC terminal. The library plans to have converted its data base and to begin online catalog and circulation control activities by January, 1983. [Appleton Public Library, Appleton, Wisconsin. Jerry Pennington, Director. (414) 735-6170.]