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CLSI at the Tucson Public Library


Abstract: Decision to automate circulation in 1975. CLSI was the only bidder. Hardware consisted of a PDP 11/04 computer, 16KB additional system memory, 2 DD30 disk drives for a total of 60MB of storage, and 16 terminals. Installed one of the first version of the CLSI software. The system as initially delivered was not functional. The hardware arrived without disk drives. Conversion of the database by CLSI did not progress as planned. Eventually TPL did the data conversion. System had a capacity of 15 terminals, yet the city contracted for 16 and anticipated more. System was not ready for full implementation until February 1977. Even after operation system experience high levels of downtime and episodes of lost data. Computer eventually upgraded to a PDP 11/34 and disk drives upgraded to DD300 and memory upgraded from 32, to 64, 96, and eventually to 128. [By 1995 TPL migrated to an Innopac system.]

View Citation
Publication Year:1982
Type of Material:Chapter
Language English
Published in: Library automation : five case studies. Freedman, Maurice J (ed)
Publisher:R. R. Bowker and Company
Company: CLSI
Products: LIBS 100
Libraries: Tucson Public Library
Subject: Circulation Systems
Record Number:3021
Last Update:2025-01-10 11:19:08
Date Created:0000-00-00 00:00:00