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Aspen Discovery 23.06 Release Brings Partner-Requested Updates to Book Covers

Press Release: ByWater Solutions [June 14, 2023]

At our March Community Meeting, libraries discussed how they wanted patrons to be able to see all of the different covers for various editions of the same title in the catalog in order to help them locate materials in the library. We're thrilled to be able to offer this feature as well as other improvements to uploading and displaying book covers in Aspen."

- Jordan Fields, Aspen Product Librarian

The 23.06 Aspen Discovery release includes more than 50 updates for libraries with a focus on community-requested book cover updates. In addition to being able to display all covers in a grouped work, libraries can also upload covers specific to an edition and have that same cover display for the grouped work or upload a cover to the grouped work and have it display for editions without book covers. This helps to make sure that there are fewer titles in the catalog without accompanying cover art making the library catalog more visually appealing.

In addition to these book cover enhancements, Aspen also added additional permissions for managing Browse Categories by allowing Aspen administrators to add specific staff members to different Browse Category Groups. With this change, staff members will only be able to edit the Browse Categories they have permissions to edit.

Learn more about these updates and the dozens of other updates to both Aspen Discovery and Aspen LiDA in the Aspen 23.06 Release Notes.

This release includes code contributions from:

  • ByWater Solutions
  • Theke Solutions
  • Nashville Public Library

Thanks to all of our contributors and our community for another successful release!

About Aspen Discovery

Aspen is a full-featured Discovery System that integrates with eContent and other third-party providers, giving your patrons comprehensive access to all of your materials in one place. Aspen combines your library catalog with e-content, digital archives, and enrichment from all major third-party providers. It also improves relevancy and ease of use, provides native reading recommendations, displays all formats of titles within one result (record grouping), and much more. With included features like web builder and mobile app (Aspen LiDA), Aspen was created to give users an improved experience over other Discovery systems, with less impact on library budgets.

View Citation
Publication Year:2023
Type of Material:Press Release
Language English
Issue:June 14, 2023
Publisher:ByWater Solutions
Company: ByWater Solutions
Record Number:28910
Last Update:2025-01-27 17:40:39
Date Created:2023-06-14 09:56:31