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Smart Libraries Newsletter

First U.S. Library Live on OCLC Wise

Smart Libraries Newsletter [December 2019]


OCLC launched its strategic resource management product for public libraries in the U.S. last year, branded as OCLC Wise. This product aims to go beyond the model of a traditional ILS, to also include capabilities for community engagement. A more detailed discussion of OCLC Wise was presented in the April 2018 issue of Smart Libraries Newsletter.

Following its introduction, several libraries have signed on as development partners or early adopters for OCLC Wise. Among this group of early adopters, the Allen County Public Library began production use of OCLC Wise in mid-November 2019, less than a year after its selection was announced in July 2018. The library migrated from a SirsiDynix Symphony ILS. A mid-sized system, Allen County Public Library includes 14 branch facilities, serves a population of about 360,000, and circulates over 11.4 million items annually.

OCLC Wise also continues to see ongoing implementation in Europe. An earlier version of the product, known as bicatWise has been implemented by a majority of libraries in the Netherlands, where the product was originally developed. The Flemish area of Belgium selected Wise in 2017 and has been carrying a phased implementation process since mid-2018. The cultuurconnect agency managing the process recently announced that following the initial group of 88 libraries, including 57 libraries in Limburg and another 30 in East Flanders, have also completed their migration. An additional set of libraries are slated for migration later in 2019.

The group of early adopters in the U.S. not yet in production, include

  • Anythink, a public library system serving Adams Country, Colorado, which is currently using SirsiDynix Horizon;
  • Gwinnett County Public Library in Georgia, which is currently running Polaris from Innovative;
  • Orange County Library System in Florida, which is currently running Sierra from Innovative; and
  • Kokomo-Howard County Public in Indiana, which is currently running Sierra from Innovative.

Recent additions to this list include

  • Greensboro Public Library in Indiana, which is currently running SirsiDynix Horizon, and
  • Chesapeake Public Library in Virginia, which is currently running SirsiDynix Symphony.

This first production use of OCLC Wise in the U.S. and the libraries committed to its implementation reflect a moderate level of momentum behind this product. Public libraries in the U.S. have different expectations than those in the Netherlands and Flanders for the strategic technology platforms that they depend on for their operations and delivery of services. OCLC's work with these early adopters will help shape the product accordingly.

Smart Libraries Newsletter will continue to report on the progress of OCLC Wise as it strives to gain a larger presence among public libraries in the U.S. and other global regions.

View Citation
Publication Year:2019
Type of Material:Article
Language English
Published in: Smart Libraries Newsletter
Publication Info:Volume 39 Number 12
Issue:December 2019
Publisher:ALA TechSource
Place of Publication:Chicago, IL
Products: OCLC Wise
Record Number:24780
Last Update:2024-09-03 14:03:13
Date Created:2019-12-21 12:40:02