ONTARIO, CA (May 1, 2019) – Auto-Graphics, Inc., provider of the first Web-based library resource management solution to library consortia and innovative developer of many resource sharing industry "firsts", announces that its cloud-based resource sharing solution, SHAREit, has been selected by Tennessee State Libraries and Archives. This RFP success marks the 6th time Auto-Graphics has participated in and been awarded a competitive RFP.
Vice President of Sales, Albert Flores had this to say regarding the announcement, "Auto-Graphics has a long-term history serving public libraries in Tennessee. For over 4 decades we are honored to be selected for their statewide resource sharing needs."
SHAREit will continue to connect their over 200 public libraries, giving them the ability to bond the smallest to largest libraries over geographically diverse areas, providing the "have and have nots" equal access to resources and leveling the experience for Tennessee libraries and their patrons. SHAREit will continue to allow the states many desperate ILS systems to leverage the TSLA diverse resources.
Tennessee and Auto-Graphics have been in business together since the late 1980's, making them the company's second oldest customer. The relationship started when Auto-Graphics was selected to provide a catalog resource for the state, and it has continued the partnership as Auto-Graphics' resource sharing products have evolved over the past 4 decades. Auto-Graphics is proud of the company's decades-long history of interlibrary loan (ILL), providing resource sharing to diverse and geographically large states supporting public library of varying sizes.
About Auto-Graphics, Inc.
Auto-Graphics, Inc. is a Library Management and Sharing Software serving customer's needs and technology to improve, assist, expand, and engage the communities they serve. Auto-Graphics was the first to provide Cloud based library resource management to library consortia, in 1994. For over 60 years, Auto-Graphics has sustained growth in carefully targeted directions, using the most state of the art tools and good old-fashion business relationships. Our focus on industry requirements, high standards, product warranty, technically oriented staff, and service ability have all contributed to the success we see today. For more information about our products and Auto-Graphics please visit our website www.auto-graphics.com