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A.T. Still University of the Health Sciences chooses EDS Discovery Health

Press Release: EBSCO Information Services [May 11, 2015]

IPSWICH, Mass. — May 11, 2015 — A.T. Still University of the Health Sciences (ATSU) has chosen EDS Discovery Health (EDS) from EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO). The home of the first osteopathic school in the world and a leading health sciences university with campuses in Arizona and Missouri, ATSU chose EDS to provide one-click access to all the resources in the medical library and provide current and relevant results.

The A.T. Still Memorial Library at ATSU had been interested in the concept of discovery for a while. According to the University's Electronic Resources Librarian, Harold Bright, they had subscribed to a federated search but were so unhappy with the results, they never deployed it, turning their focus to discovery services instead. "We wanted our users to have a one-stop search for all our content. We were also looking for a product that could handle the breadth and depth of our collection while focusing on clinical, medical knowledge in the results returned."

The Library explored several discovery services and found that EDS Discovery Health offered the best results. "We specifically chose EDS because in our exploration of the different search tools, it consistently presented high quality results to our users in the medical education and clinical environment." Bright goes on to explain that EDS also offered the flexibility to provide the most comprehensive collection of content. "We were looking for a tool around which we could build a complete discovery system. The discovery tool was to be the anchor. The flexibility of EDS allows us to add discipline limiters to focus our users search to subject relevant results and extender widgets to expand the search beyond available databases in EDS to allow image, drug and clinical point of care resources to be included within the search experience with one click."

According to Bright, EDS Discovery Health has also tied in well with the library's goal to provide students with the tools they need to be successful. "The library's mission is to educate medical practitioners to use and incorporate the best evidence into their medical practices and decision making processes so they become the best they can be. EDS helps them accomplish that during their education here at the university."

EDS Discovery Health delivers the highest-quality content using the smartest searching technology which produces highly relevant results due to the quality of its relevance and value ranking technology.

About EBSCO Health

EBSCO Health, part of EBSCO Information Services, is a leading provider of clinical decision support solutions, healthcare business intelligence, and medical research information for the healthcare industry. EBSCO Health users include professionals in medicine, nursing, and allied health. Flagship products include CINAHL, DynaMed, Nursing Reference Center, clinical e-books and e-journals, EBSCO Discovery Service, licensed databases (such as MEDLINE), plus EBSCONET. EBSCO databases are powered by EBSCOhost, the electronic resource favored by libraries around the world.

View Citation
Publication Year:2015
Type of Material:Press Release
Language English
Issue:May 11, 2015
Publisher:EBSCO Information Services
Company: EBSCO Information Services
Products: EBSCO Discovery Service
Libraries: A.T. Still University of the Health Sciences
Record Number:20607
Last Update:2025-02-14 07:26:12
Date Created:2015-05-11 12:04:28