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An algorithm for compaction of alphanumeric data

Journal of library automation [December 1971]


Abstract: Description of a technique for compressing data to be placed in computer auxiliary storage. The technique operates on the principle of taking two alphabetic characters frequently used in combination and replacing them with one unused special character code. Such one-for-two replacement has enabled the ILO to achieve a rate of compression of 43.5% on a data base of approximately 40,000 bibliographic records.

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Publication Year:1971
Type of Material:Article
Language English
Published in: Journal of library automation
Publication Info:Volume 4 Number 04
Issue:December 1971
Publisher:Information Science and Automation Division
Place of Publication:Chicago, IL
Record Number:2031
Last Update:2024-09-23 19:01:36
Date Created:0000-00-00 00:00:00