May 21, 2014 - BOCA RATON, Fla. -- CRC Press announced today that it has partnered with key discovery services to connect researchers, students and professionals with content from its CRCnetBASE ( science, technology and medicine eBook platform. Partnerships with the Summon service (ProQuest), OCLC World Cat Local, Ex Libris Primo, and EBSCO Discovery Serviceincrease the discoverability and accessibility of CRCnetBASE ( content.
"With more than 12,000 references in over 350 subject areas, CRCnetBASE ( content comprises highly relevant STM content for academics, scientists and professional researchers worldwide," said John Lavender, Senior Vice President, Publishing and Online Products. "Collaboration with leading discovery engines not only ensures CRCnetBASE ( content is easier to find, but also increases the accuracy of results obtained through these discovery services."
Inclusion of CRCnetBASE's science, technology and medicine titles in top discovery tools ensures users are able to quickly find the most relevant, useful results for their work in a seamless research environment. Additionally, the full-text indexing capabilities of these services gives researchers powerful content discovery tools that satisfy their need for an integrated, robust and effective search and retrieval experience.
About CRCnetBASE
CRCnetBASE offers a comprehensive eBook collection that delivers 12,000 references in more than 350 subject areas and more than 40 collections . CRCnetBASE is an award-winning science, technology and medical eBook platform from CRC Press that features 10 million pages of rich content and authoritative references, allowing you to build an eBook collection that best fits your patron's needs and your institution's budget. For more information visit
About CRC Press
CRC Press is a premier publisher of scientific, technology and medical resources, reaching around the globe to collect essential reference material and the latest advances and making them available to researchers, academics, professionals and students in a variety of accessible formats. CRC Press is a member of Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business. For more information, visit
About ProQuest
ProQuest connects people with vetted, reliable information. Key to serious research, the company's products are a gateway to the world's knowledge including dissertations, governmental and cultural archives, news, historical collections and e-books. ProQuest technologies serve users across the critical points in research, helping them discover, access, share, create and manage information. For more information, visit
About Ex Libris
Ex Libris is a leading provider of automation solutions for academic libraries. Offering the only comprehensive product suite for electronic, digital, and print materials, Ex Libris provides efficient, user-friendly products that serve the needs of libraries today and will facilitate their transition into the future. Ex Libris maintains an impressive customer base consisting of thousands of sites in more than 80 countries on six continents. For more information, visit
About OCLC
Founded in 1967, OCLC is a nonprofit, membership, computer library service and research organization dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the world's information and reducing library costs. More than 74,000 libraries in 170 countries have used OCLC services to locate, acquire, catalog, lend, preserve and manage library materials. For more information, visit
About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the leading provider of resources for libraries including EBSCONET, EBSCO's total e-resource management system, and EBSCOhost, the world's premier for-fee online research service, including full-text databases, subject indexes, point-of-care medical reference, historical digital archives and e-books. For more information,