DUBLIN, Ohio, May 20, 1994--ABI/INFORM, a database that indexes and provides abstracts of articles from nearly 1,000 current business and management periodicals, is now available on The FirstSearch Catalog, OCLC's online reference service designed for library patrons.
The ABI/INFORM database covers topics including company histories, competitive intelligence and new product development. It consists of bibliographic citations and 150-word abstracts of articles in U.S. and international professional publications, academic journals and trade magazines. The database is updated weekly and covers the period from August 1971 to the present.
Produced by UMI of Ann Arbor, Mich., ABI/INFORM is available on The FirstSearch Catalog on a subscription basis only.
"ABI/INFORM is widely considered the premier business database--worldwide," said Tam Dalrymple, OCLC reference services. "Its coverage, abstracting and indexing are unsurpassed."
ABI/INFORM has been available on the EPIC service, OCLC's reference service for library professionals, since 1990.
The FirstSearch Catalog features an end-user interface that allows patrons to move easily through the online search process in just a few simple steps, without training or online searching experience.
OCLC is a nonprofit computer library service and research organization whose computer network and services link more than 17,000 libraries in 52 countries and territories.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: Nita Dean (614) 761-5002