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Colorado State University Transfers Local File to OCLC PRISM ILL System

Press Release: OCLC [March 10, 1995]

DUBLIN, Ohio, March 10, 1994--Colorado State University has successfully transferred locally created electronic interlibrary loan files from its system to the OCLC PRISM ILL system.

The transfers were completed as part of an OCLC ILL Link Feasibility Study to see if such transfers from local systems to the OCLC PRISM ILL system can be made without staff having to re-key information.

For the past two years, CSU has made electronic mail available to library patrons for interlibrary loan requests. The OCLC ILL Link moves those patron-initiated interlibrary loan requests from the CSU local system to the OCLC PRISM ILL system.

"The reaction to the link system has been very positive," said Julie Wessling, assistant director for public services at CSU. "The staff likes it because they can read requests more easily on the system, and then they can link into OCLC--which is just super."

"Our patrons really enjoy the convenience," Ms. Wessling continued. "The electronic request system is easy to use. With the OCLC ILL Link feature, patrons are receiving materials faster through interlibrary loan. The link has really streamlined the interlibrary loan process."

CSU transferred 576 interlibrary loan requests from its local system to the OCLC PRISM ILL system in February.

The FirstSearch/ILL link introduced in April 1993 was OCLC's first step toward linking to local systems and end user interlibrary loan. With FirstSearch/ILL, a patron can request an interlibrary loan of an item found in The FirstSearch Catalog. Patron requests are moved from FirstSearch to the PRISM ILL message file.

With the FirstSearch/ILL link already available, the goal of the feasibility study is to see if a transfer would work with an outside electronic system.

"OCLC believes this could be another step in continuing to help improve the productivity of libraries by automating as many functions as possible," said Tony Melvyn, OCLC senior product support specialist.

In addition to Colorado State University, other institutions taking part in the feasibility study include the University of Tennessee, Knoxville; University of California, San Diego; and SEFLIN, the Southeast Florida Library Information Network.

"There is a lot of interest in this type of capability," said Ms. Wessling. "Many libraries in Colorado are interested in our program. It seems to have a great deal of appeal."

The First OCLC ILL Subsystem was activated in 1979. In 1992, OCLC's new interlibrary loan system, PRISM ILL, was implemented. In the 1992/93 fiscal year, 5,500 libraries arranged over 6.5 million loans on OCLC's interlibrary loan system, the most widely used ILL network in the world.

OCLC is a nonprofit computer library service and research organization whose computer network and services link more than 17,000 libraries in 52 countries and territories.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: Nita Dean (614) 761-5002

View Citation
Publication Year:1995
Type of Material:Press Release
Language English
Issue:March 10, 1995
Company: OCLC
Libraries: Colorado State University
Record Number:19291
Last Update:2025-02-14 08:21:12
Date Created:2014-05-12 08:03:28