The 2013 Australian School Library Survey has revealed a positive relationship between a school's literacy results and the library's resourcing levels.
The survey found schools with high national average NAPLAN reading literacy scores reported higher levels of library funding and staffing, while schools with lower scores had lower levels. These results echoed previous surveys.
A summary of other key survey findings included:
- 81 percent of all school library budgets either remained unchanged or declined in 2013
- A higher percentage of Government school libraries experienced budget decreases than Catholic or Independent school libraries
- 28 percent of schools reported a decrease in library staffing in 2013 with 63 percent of all schools surveyed stating that there had been no change
- More than a quarter of respondent schools have purchased eBooks in the past year (28 percent) and 55 percent of respondents indicated they will "definitely" or "most probably" purchase eBooks within the next 12 months
- 44 percent of teacher librarians said half or more of their student population owned a personal mobile device (iPod, iPad, smart phone or other tablet)
- Up to a third of all schools encourage students to bring their own digital devices for use at school
Softlink's Chief Operating Officer Nathan Godfrey said more than 800 Australian primary, secondary and independent schools participated in the 2013 survey.
"Since 2010, Softlink has conducted the survey on behalf of the Australian school library and information industry. The survey undertakes analysis into school library budgets, staffing and literacy levels in Australian public and private, primary, secondary and K-12 school libraries," he said.
Findings from the Australian School Library Survey were tabled as part of the House of Representatives' Standing Committee on Education and Employment Inquiry into school libraries and teacher librarians in Australian schools in 2011.
Nathan said Softlink developed leading knowledge, content and library management solutions to connect students to literacy and learning and enable schools to deliver 21st century learning programs. "More than 3 million students are connected with learning resources each week through a Softlink knowledge, content and resource management solution," he said.
To download the Report on Softlink's School Library Survey Findings, click the following link: