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Boston University Libraries go live with Ex Libris Alma

Press Release: Ex Libris [November 27, 2012]

Chicago, IL—November 27, 2012. Ex Libris Group, a world leader in the provision of library automation solutions, is pleased to announce that Boston University (BU) Libraries, a member of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), has gone live with the Ex Libris Alma next-generation resource management solution. An early adopter of Alma, BU Libraries collaborated closely with Ex Libris to deliver a successful and seamless transition to the cloud-based service. Alma replaces the Innovative Interfaces Millennium library system.

Adopting the Primo discovery and delivery solution in 2011 was the first step taken by Boston University Libraries toward unifying its operations. Library services at BU are now being managed by two next-generation solutions: Alma, which offers unified resource management, and Primo, which provides users with a single discovery platform. The tight integration between the library's resource management system and its discovery solution enables users to enjoy a seamless research experience.

"We are proud to see the libraries faultlessly migrating to a new resource management service, supported by the world-class implementation team from Ex Libris," commented Jack Ammerman, Assistant University Librarian at BU. "Alma will facilitate an important and far-reaching change in the library's operations. With Alma, we are continuing to fulfill our strategic goal of ‘One BU'—across departments, collections, and resource types—enabling managers to analyze resource usage, plan budgets, and provide for the changing needs of our users with much greater efficiency and agility."

Mark Triest, president of Ex Libris North America, commented: "I was extremely impressed by the dedication of staff members at BU Libraries who worked in tandem with our local team to ensure a smooth and hitch-free implementation of Alma. As a leading academic institution on the global scene and a highly esteemed member of ARL, Boston University's decision to adopt Alma is a source of pride for Ex Libris. We are eagerly anticipating the successful move to production of other Alma sites in North America."

About Alma

By consolidating the disparate systems used by today's libraries to manage electronic, print, and digital resources, the Ex Libris Alma solution strengthens libraries' ability to deliver next-generation services. Alma's cloud infrastructure helps libraries increase their efficiency through data sharing and collaboration. As a result, libraries can focus on extending services within and outside their institution while supporting its teaching and research missions.

About Boston University

Boston University is a private research university located in Boston, Massachusetts. With over 33,000 undergraduate and graduate students from more than 140 countries, 10,000 faculty and staff, Boston University is one of the largest private universities in the United States and one of Boston's largest employers. BU is categorized as an RU/VH Research University (very high research activity) in the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. The university offers bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and doctoral degrees, and medical and dental degrees through 16 schools and colleges on two urban campuses. BU also operates 75 study abroad programs in over 20 countries and has internship opportunities in the United States and nine other countries.

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About Ex Libris

Ex Libris is a leading provider of automation solutions for academic, national, and research libraries. Offering the only comprehensive product suite for electronic, digital, and print materials, Ex Libris provides efficient, user-friendly products that serve the needs of libraries today and will facilitate their transition into the future. Ex Libris maintains an impressive customer base consisting of thousands of sites in more than 80 countries on six continents.

Dedicated to developing creative solutions in close collaboration with customers, Ex Libris enables libraries to maximize productivity and efficiency and, at the same time, greatly enhance the user experience. By empowering users to discover and obtain the information they need, libraries ensure their position as the bridge to knowledge.

View Citation
Publication Year:2012
Type of Material:Press Release
Language English
Issue:November 27, 2012
Publisher:Ex Libris
Company: Ex Libris
Products: Alma
Libraries: Boston University
Record Number:17446
Last Update:2025-01-28 19:24:14
Date Created:2012-11-27 11:58:33