- Approve Fourth Amendment to contract # 5641 -2002 increasing compensation to Innovative Interfaces, Inc. for additional hardware and software by $ 56,087. 50 payable in three annual installments of 25 %, 25% and 50% over specified schedule and raising the not -to- exceed amount to $ 603, 363.00
- Authorized expenditure not to exceed $ 56, 087. 50 for FY 2011 -2012 through FY 2013 -2014 as follows:
- $ 5, 500. 00 from A/C # 110 - 7330 -673 -4114 and $ 8, 250. 00 from A/C # 110- 7330- 673 -4300 ( Computer Hardware Maintenance) in FY 2011 -2012, to pay for the first installment of the project.
- $ 6, 587. 50 from A/C # 110- 7330 -673 -4114 and $ 8, 250.00 from A/C # 110- 7330- 673 -4300 ( Computer Hardware Maintenance) in FY 2012 -13, to pay for the second installment of this project.
- $ 11, 000.00 from A/C # 110 - 7730 -673 -4114 and $ 16, 500.00 from A/C # 110- 7330- 673 -4300 ( Computer Hardware Maintenance) in FY 2013 -2014 to pay for the third installment of the project.
No Additional Funding Requested. $ 13, 750 and $ 14, 838 are included in the adopted FY 2011 -12 and 2012 -13 Library Fund Budgets. $ 27, 500 will be requested from the Library Fund during the next biennial budget process.
The Library purchased the Innovative Interfaces Millennium Integrated Library System ILS) in 2002, at a cost of $ 391, 500. The Agreement has since been modified three times. The First amendment to the contract on July 8, 2008 added the Encore Discovery platform with real time holdings and status information for print and e- resources. The not -to- exceed amount was raised to $ 449,962.50.
The Second Amendment on January 12, 2010 added five licenses known as SIP2 licenses that allow for communication between library computer systems and library self- service applications, Quick Click and EDIFACT to streamline technical services processes, replaced an obsolete database server and the Telephone Notification System and authorized purchase of extra services up to $ 5000.00. The not -to- exceed amount was raised to $532, 925.
The contract was amended for a third time in June 2010 to add the ability for self -check machines to handle fines and fees, and to switch over the book jacket and review content subscription from Syndetics to Content Cafe. The not -to- exceed amount was raised to $ 547,275. 50.
The Millennium Integrated Library System supports the full range of library transactions and services, including purchasing and processing of materials. A variety of hardware and software products are necessary to support library operations. These products are designed, upgraded and enhanced solely by Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
Innovative Interfaces Inc. ( III) has offered the Library a great cost saving opportunity to migrate out of the current proprietary Integrated Library System ( ILS) database and into an open source, object - relational database management system PostgreSQL and Lucene keyword engine to provide more flexibility and easier 3rd party integration. Workflow efficiency has become a key factor in many libraries.
The new database architecture will make data more readily available for third -party and library- developed applications for circulation systems integration. It also facilitates interaction with web properties such as Google, Facebook and other social networking sites.
It is designed to integrate resource management and offers enhanced e- resource /e -book support. The Sierra staff client is built on a new, unified architecture so that one client can be configured to offer all of the functionality required for a staff member to perform their duties across modules. This has potential savings on staff licenses in the future.
This Fourth Amendment to the Agreement (Attachment # 1) provides for a technology up -grade for the integrated library system, including a second server to run the two - servers Sierra platform. All modules and functions that are currently available in Millennium are available in Sierra to facilitate the migration and minimize changes in workflow. The one -time charge includes migration services to the new platform, as well as a software tune -up to ensure the core system is in line with Innovative's most current installations. As an early implementer, the Library will receive a total of 75, 000 INN - Appreciation points to be used for software selected by the Library with no additional cost or future maintenance charges.