VIRGINIA BEACH, VA – July 8, 2012 – Special collections managers and academic library administrators will want to mark their calendars for a free webcast sponsored by Library Journal and Atlas Systems, the leading provider of time-saving solutions for libraries. Managing Special Collections: Service, Security, Statistics will be presented as a live event on Tuesday July 31, 2012 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EDT (11:00 AM to 12:00 PM PDT). Those interested in attending can register now through the Library Journal website. The event also will be archived for later viewing on
Atlas is co-sponsoring this webcast with Library Journal to address three issues of prime importance to special collections managers and library administrators: enhancing services to researchers, improving collections security, and supporting assessment activities to facilitate data-driven management decisions. The program will feature presentations by a panel of three experts who will share their experiences addressing these issues using new techniques and tools, including Aeon, an online request and workflow management system developed by Atlas Systems to replace the paper-based user registration forms and callslips that most special collections and archives still use.
"Academic library leaders are actively seeking to enhance and demonstrate the value that special collections contribute to their larger institutional missions," said Christian Dupont, Aeon program director for Atlas Systems. "To do so, they recognize that they need to find better ways to manage requests from researchers and effectively capture data related to usage for security and assessment purposes. This webcast will provide practical guidance on how to enhance service quality and impact, improve security, and gather statistics that demonstrate real impact and value."
More information on the free webcast is available on the Atlas website or by contacting Christian Dupont at
About Atlas Systems
For more than fifteen years, Atlas Systems has been exclusively dedicated to developing software, training and consulting solutions that enable libraries to transform their user services and maximize workflow efficiency. Atlas is best known for creating the ILLiad interlibrary loan management system, now distributed exclusively by OCLC and used by more than 1,100 libraries worldwide. Focused on bringing the benefits of automation to library processes that have not been addressed by other software services, Atlas has introduced Ares, an electronic reserves solution, and Aeon, an online request and workflow management system specifically designed for special collections libraries and archives. For more information, visit