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Cuadra Associates announces change in management

Press Release: Cuadra Associates, Inc. [May 7, 2012]

Los Angeles, CAMay 7, 2012. Cuadra Associates, Inc. (Cuadra), a SydneyPLUS Affiliate, announced that Dr. Carlos A. Cuadra, the company's President, Judith Wanger, Executive Vice President, and Gloria N. Cuadra, Chief Financial Officer, have left the company effective April 30, 2012. Dr. and Mrs. Cuadra have retired; Ms. Wanger, who co-founded the company, has left to pursue new endeavors. Phil Green, who is the head of The Inmagic Division of SydneyPLUS, now leads the Cuadra management team. Long-time Cuadra managers, Dr. David M. Abels (service and support), Dr. Neil G. Cuadra (development), and Ilene Slavick (sales and marketing), will continue managing their respective parts of the company under Mr. Green's leadership.

Dr. Cuadra and Ms. Wanger formed Cuadra Associates in 1978 to develop STAR software and a suite of STAR-based knowledge management solutions. STAR, which is used worldwide in archives, libraries, museums, and publishing firms, has earned widespread recognition for excellence.

Mr. Green has been working with Cuadra staff to ensure a smooth transition. "I've been impressed with the Cuadra staff, the Cuadra product line, and the plans for the future. We will move forward with products and services that continue Cuadra's tradition for quality and integrity," he said.

Reflecting on the company's history, Dr. Cuadra said "We've been fortunate to have worked with customers who have helped educate us in ways that enabled us to create our products and to improve them as information management needs and computing environments have changed. Our customers' staunch support has made our 34 years in the software business highly rewarding."

About Cuadra Associates, Inc.

Cuadra Associates, Inc., a SydneyPLUS Affiliate since 2008, is a leading provider of knowledge management software. The core of every Cuadra product is STAR, a highly acclaimed software package with the power and flexibility to manage information collections of all types, such as in archives, libraries, museums, and publishing organizations.

View Citation
Publication Year:2012
Type of Material:Press Release
Language English
Issue:May 7, 2012
Publisher:Cuadra Associates, Inc.
Company: Cuadra Associates, Inc.
Subject: Executive appointments
Record Number:16890
Last Update:2025-01-17 07:34:35
Date Created:2012-05-30 09:48:26