Atlanta, Georgia – April 30, 2012 - The Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Library Alliance announces that Cynthia L. Henderson, Executive Director of the Louis Stokes Health Sciences Library at Howard University and member of the HBCU Library Alliance, has been elected to serve on the LYRASIS Board of Trustees.
LYRASIS, the nation's largest regional non-profit serving libraries, held its annual election in April, and members elected 4 new Trustees, including Ms. Henderson who will fill one of the 2 open positions for At-Large Librarians on the Board. The new Trustees will serve 3-year terms, beginning July 2012.
Since 2010, Ms. Henderson has served as Executive Director of the Louis Stokes Health Sciences Library at Howard University, and prior to that served as the Director of the Morehouse School of Medicine Library from 2004 to 2010. Ms. Henderson has been a member of the HBCU Library Alliance since 2004, and has served on the HBCU Library Alliance Board of Directors since 2005 and as Vice Chair since 2010. In addition, she is a member of the Medical Library Association (MLA) Board of Directors and the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL). "LYRASIS' strengths are its size, diversity of membership, and willingness to reinvent itself. The opportunity to be a more involved part of the evolution of LYRASIS is one that I look forward to," commented Henderson on her election.
"We are happy to welcome Cynthia L. Henderson to the LYRASIS Board of Trustees, and look forward to her contributions as we continue to evolve our organization and work toward our commitment to enabling members to create, access and manage content," says Kate Nevins, LYRASIS Executive Director.
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About the HBCU Library Alliance
The HBCU Library Alliance is a consortium that supports the collaboration of institutions dedicated to providing resources designed to strengthen the libraries and archives of Historically Black Colleges and Universities and their constituents. The purpose of the HBCU Alliance is to ensure excellence in HBCU Libraries and the development, coordination, and promotion of programs and activities to enhance member libraries.