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Axiell's 2011 Symposium: Rethinking Libraries? tackles current and future challenges

Press Release: Axiell [September 13, 2011]

Rethinking Libraries? is the theme of Axiell's third symposium; speakers from the UK, Scandinavia and USA will address key challenges such as improvements in efficiency, opportunities for savings and scope for reorganisation. The symposium is also futuristic in its approach, looking beyond the present day for views on the next steps that libraries should take and how to meet the upcoming challenges in the cultural sector. It will offer inspiration and knowledge-sharing from libraries worldwide and key partners such as The Reading Agency and ePub Direct.

The symposium will take place in London on 2-3 November 2011 and has been organised by Axiell, a leading technology and services specialist for public libraries, archives and museums in the UK and Scandinavia. The full programme can be seen at:

The agenda will shine the spotlight on subjects including the digital library, eBooks, the elibrary and the need to develop the library as a space for social networking, with David Fay, City Libraries Manager at Newcastle Libraries discussing the concept of libraries as the original social network.

The increasing numbers of cultural institutions joining forces in consortia of similar organisations or in cooperation with other types of cultural institution will also be discussed. The London Libraries Consortium (LLC) of 15 London Boroughs is one of Axiell's key UK customers, providing access to over 6 million items from 150 London libraries. The Consortium is hosting the event and Judith St John, Head of Idea Stores of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, will give the welcome speech to delegates. Madeline Barratt of London Borough of Enfield, an LLC member, speaks on day two, addressing ‘achieving growth through partnership in a time of economic restraint'.

Overseas speakers will include Allen Weiner from Gartner Inc in the US who will cover the development of mobile devices such as e-readers, smartphones and tablets and the impact this will have on libraries and distribution of knowledge. Pam Sandlian Smith of Anythink Libraries in the States will present her experiences of rebuilding the library system from the ground up following many years of underfunding.

There are also eight optional tours of leading London libraries on Friday 4 November. These range from innovative London Library Consortium public libraries in Hackney, Dagenham, Enfield and Tooting and Tower Hamlets to the British Library, The Royal Society and Wellcome Library.

Bookings for the conference are now open. Decision-makers within public libraries that are Axiell customers are eligible to attend and can book here:

Axiell Group AB

Axiell Group is the world's fifth largest company in the sector, supplying IT systems and services dedicated solely to libraries, archives and museums as a target group and with its focus on library development.

Axiell develops technically advanced and innovative solutions in close cooperation with its customers. More than 1000 library organisations with thousands of branches in the Nordic countries and in the UK use Axiell's library management systems and Axiell Arena, the tool for the virtual library. The system for archives and museums, Axiell Calm is used by over 400 archives and museums in Europe.

Axiell Group is a group company with six subsidiaries in Sweden, Denmark and Finland as well as the UK.

Axiell UK

Axiell Ltd. provides library software solutions to one third of local authorities in the UK. The company is a leading business solutions supplier to libraries, archives, museums and records centres. Axiell UK offers its customers both software and hardware and a full range of implementation, facilities management and integration services, and the company continues to be a pioneer in software development for libraries.

View Citation
Publication Year:2011
Type of Material:Press Release
Language English
Issue:September 13, 2011
Company: Axiell
Record Number:16051
Last Update:2024-12-22 00:39:11
Date Created:2011-09-19 17:27:47