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Axiell changes its name

Press Release: Axiell [December 30, 2010]

Axiell has changed its name from Axiell Library Group AB to Axiell Group AB. The reason for this is that Axiell has broadened its target group not only to handling the libraries – but also archives and museums – and this has to be reflected in our new name.

For Axiell it has been natural to take that step – for in recent years our product portfolio has expanded with our solution Axiell Calm, which is used by nearly 400 archives and museums – mainly in the UK, but also in Sweden and Denmark.

To have solutions for both archives, libraries and museums and further more with a new edition of our web portal Axiell Arena we have new possibilities for providing archives, libraries and museums with the long-awaited and specific ALM solution, many have anticipated for many years. Now it is a reality.

With Axiell Arena as a culture portal the end-users will meet one single end user interface and will get results from three different culture sectors. This will give the end users new possibilities for getting information and knowledge in an innovative, inspiring and creative way.

Furthermore Axiell Arena will offer lots of possibilities for strengthening the culture sector and be the culture focal point in the city by providing culture services across the many different institutions.

Therefore Axiell's business idea has been revised and reflects the above thoughts:

"Axiell shall be the most innovative and reliable partner for archives, libraries and museums globally in their mission to help build the knowledge society.

We will achieve this by offering technology solutions and services which are attractive to end -users and efficient for in-house processes."

The change of name will also be reflected in our local companies' names. Our companies located in Gothenburg and in Finland will continue their work in the common business area which from the 1st of January 2011 is named Axiell Nordic. The two companies name will change from Axiell Libra AB to Axiell Nordic AB and Ab Axiell Kirjastot Oy will now be Axiell Nordic Oy.

The two companies based in Lund, Sweden and the offices in Denmark will continue their work in the business area Axiell Scandinavia. Their company names will be Axiell Scandinavia AB (Sweden) and Axiell Scandinavia A/S (Denmark).

And our company in the UK – part of the business area Axiell Western Europe - will still have the name Axiell Ltd.

View Citation
Publication Year:2010
Type of Material:Press Release
Language English
Issue:December 30, 2010
Company: Axiell
Record Number:15390
Last Update:2025-02-14 09:20:34
Date Created:2011-01-30 12:26:38