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Cooperation across borders increases better service

Press Release: Axiell [January 25, 2011]

More and more municipalities and councils cooperate on library services in order to make their library even more efficient with a higher degree of service for the library users.

This is a significant trend in many countries – among others in the UK, where the London Libraries Consortium (LLC) continues to increase its amount of members. In the last two months the London Libraries Consortium has increased by two new members - Lewisham and Royal Borough of Kingston and now consists of 14 boroughs. The London Libraries Consortium is giving borough residents access to over 6 million items from 150 library branches across London.

Antonio Rizzo, Service Manager, Lewisham Library & Information Service says, "Joining the consortium is one element in an array of measures we are taking to improve Lewisham Library Service. We also see active participation in the consortium as instrumental in developing Lewisham Libraries' strategic management, back office organisation and helping to deliver substantial savings over and above those required by government cuts. Lewisham will also be able to share its knowledge and experience with other boroughs."

Grace McElwee, Strategic Manager, Library & Heritage Service, says, "We are delighted to be joining the consortium and working with a third of London Boroughs. As a small borough with seven libraries, it will be of great benefit to our users to have access to a much wider range and quantity of stock through the shared stock and catalogue of the consortium."

And Grace McElwee adds, "In the current climate libraries must make savings and reshape their services to fit the new economic reality and the consortium offers real opportunities for joined up working, sharing best practice and joint procurement to create a cost-effective and efficient service that delivers real benefits to customers. In this austere climate it is timely to be looking outside our own Borough and collaborating with others to drive efficiencies and developments."

The residents will be able to access the consortium's shared library management system (LMS) from any internet-enabled computer, iPhone or via a library computer.

View Citation
Publication Year:2011
Type of Material:Press Release
Language English
Issue:January 25, 2011
Company: Axiell
Products: OpenGalaxy
Libraries: Lewisham Library Service
Kingston Libraries
Record Number:15388
Last Update:2025-01-14 05:01:42
Date Created:2011-01-30 12:16:15