November 17, 2010 (ANN ARBOR, Mich.) – France's Université Lumière Lyon II has migrated to the all-new ProQuest platform, making it the first institution to enable students and faculty to search, discover, gather and share content using the highly-anticipated new technology. Users are able to access all the University's ProQuest resources in a single, unified search -- on campus or remotely -- and work with the content using the platform's sophisticated tools. Université Lumière Lyon II was among the first wave of ProQuest customers around the world to preview the platform. Each is setting its own schedule for migration to enable a smooth transition.
"It was important for the university to be able to move over to the new ProQuest platform at the first opportunity," Kareen Louembe,Université Lumière Lyon II E-Resources Coordinator. "We wanted our students and staff to be able to start seeing the benefits of the new cross-searchability of our ProQuest subscriptions. We feel this will lead to much more productive study and research activity at our institution."
The new ProQuest platfom was created from the ground up. Its experience-based design has been informed through studies of student research habits, surveys of more than 6,000 end users, focus groups, and individual interviews, plus ongoing interactions with users, librarians, administrators and faculty worldwide. "Personas" – a dozen highly detailed user profiles – were created from the research enabling the agile development process to be guided by users throughout. Ultimately, the platform became a blend of new technologies and user-favorites from other legacy ProQuest and brand family platforms.
"This is an exciting day for ProQuest as we see our customers and their users reap the benefits of a very intense and rewarding development process," said Bipin Patel, Chief Information Officer, ProQuest. "There's much more to come... more content being released on the platform and more features unveiled. This is just the beginning."
To follow the development of the All-New ProQuest platform visit
About ProQuest
A global leader in serving libraries of all types, ProQuest offers the expertise of such respected brands as UMI, Chadwyck-Healey, SIRS, and eLibrary. With Serials Solutions, Ulrich's, RefWorks, COS, Dialog and now Bowker part of the ProQuest brand family, the company supports the breadth of the information community with innovative discovery solutions that power the business of books and the best in research experience.
More than a content provider or aggregator, ProQuest is an information partner, creating indispensable research solutions that connect people and information. Through innovative, user-centered discovery technology, ProQuest offers billions of pages of global content that includes historical newspapers, dissertations, and uniquely relevant resources for researchers of any level and sophistication—including content not likely to be digitized by others.
The company is launching an all-new platform that will transform delivery of several highly-regarded individual platforms into a consolidated research experience that will encompass all ProQuest family products over time. Inspired by its customers and their end users, ProQuest is working toward a future that blends information accessibility with community to further enhance learning and encourage lifelong enrichment.