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ABC-CLIO and EBSCO Publishing agreement creates additional options for EBSCO Discovery Service users

Press Release: EBSCO Information Services [October 21, 2010]

IPSWICH, Mass. — October 21, 2010 — EBSCO Publishing and ABC-CLIO have developed a new partnership allowing content from ABC-CLIO eBooks to be accessible within EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS). Mutual customers of EDS and ABC-CLIO's eBook Collection are able to take advantage of a more robust user experience by conducting their searches via the single search box of EDS, quickly accessing the ABC-CLIO content in the result list and linking over to the ABC-CLIO eBook.

ABC-CLIO's eBook Collection offers more than 6,000 high-quality, authoritative, scholarly titles from imprints including ABC-CLIO, Greenwood, Praeger, Libraries Unlimited, and Linworth designed to support a library's collection. Titles cover an array of subjects such as American History, Current Events & Issues, Education, Health & Medicine, Multicultural & Gender Studies, Politics & Government, Science Technology & Environment and much more. New titles are uploaded monthly. Additional data elements from ABC-CLIO are expected to become accessible within EDS in the near future.

ABC-CLIO joins the British Library, Baker & Taylor, NewsBank, Readex, LexisNexis, Alexander Street Press, Web of Science (for mutual customers) H.W. Wilson, Oxford University Press, American Psychological Association and many others in making EBSCO Discovery Service the most comprehensive discovery solution available.

The Base Index for EBSCO Discovery Service forms the foundation upon which each EDS subscribing library builds out its custom collection. Beginning with the Base Index, each institution extends the reach of EDS by adding appropriate resources including its catalog, institutional repositories, EBSCOhost and other databases, and additional content sources to which it subscribes. It is this combination that allows a single, comprehensive, custom solution for discovering the value of any library's collection.

The EDS Base Index is comprised of metadata from the world's foremost information providers. At present, the EDS Base Index represents content from approximately 20,000 providers in addition to metadata from another 70,000 book publishers. Although constantly growing, today the EDS Base Index provides metadata for nearly 50,000 magazines & journals, approximately 825,000 CDs & DVDs, nearly six million books, more than 100 million newspaper articles, more than 20,000 conference proceedings and hundreds of thousands of additional information sources from various source-types.

EBSCO Discovery Service creates a unified, customized index of an institution's information resources, and an easy, yet powerful means of accessing all of that content from a single search box—searching made even more powerful because of the quality of metadata and depth and breadth of coverage.

About EBSCO Publishing

EBSCO Publishing is the world's premier database aggregator, offering a suite of nearly 300 full-text and secondary research databases. Through a library of tens of thousands of full-text journals, magazines, books, monographs, reports and various other publication types from renowned publishers, EBSCO serves the content needs of all researchers (Academic, Medical, K-12, Public Library, Corporate, Government, etc.). The company's product lines include proprietary databases such as Academic Search, Business Source, CINAHL, DynaMed, Literary Reference Center, MasterFILE, NoveList, SocINDEX and SPORTDiscus as well as dozens of leading licensed databases such as ATLA Religion Database, EconLit, INSPEC, MEDLINE, MLA International Bibliography, The Philosopher's Index, PsycARTICLES and PsycINFO. Databases are powered by EBSCOhost, the most-used for-fee electronic resource in libraries around the world.

EBSCO is the provider of EBSCO Discovery Service a core collection of locally-indexed metadata creating a unified index of an institution's resources within a single, customizable search point providing everything the researcher needs in one place—fast, simple access to the library's full text content, deeper indexing and more full-text searching of more journals and magazines than any other discovery service ( For more information, visit the EBSCO Publishing Web site at:, or contact: EBSCO Publishing is a division of EBSCO Industries Inc., one of the largest privately held companies in the United States.

View Citation
Publication Year:2010
Type of Material:Press Release
Language English
Issue:October 21, 2010
Publisher:EBSCO Information Services
Company: EBSCO Information Services
Products: EBSCO Discovery Service
Subject: Business partnerships
Record Number:15141
Last Update:2024-12-14 01:54:02
Date Created:2010-10-21 11:29:52